Guess What?
Stepping out on a new adventure!
About a decade ago, I was certified as a life coach, and had a Facebook page called Divine Balance. On that page, each morning I would grab a picture from the web - this was before I knew not to do that, and write a little blurb on life. People loved it and I had many followers before facebook’s algorithm took care of that. I rarely post there anymore, but lately, I’ve been thinking about getting serious with blogging again. Because that is what I did those years ago - I just did it on Facebook instead of my own space.
So I asked myself, if I were to follow a blog, what would I want? The first thought that came to me was that it would be beautiful. I am an artist after all so beauty and aesthetics are important to me.
Also, the articles would be informative, entertaining and also enlightening. They would give me a new perspective from time to time. They would allow me to contemplate life a little differently, or even make me remember things I had forgotten. It would be a place I couldn’t wait to visit when settling down with a cup of coffee in the morning. An escape for just a few minutes two or three times a week. Then I asked myself, can you give this to people?
If you are reading this, then I have continued with this idea. I plan on writing posts over the next month before I share this. This is to make sure I’m serious. I plan to be as authentic as possible here, so I will start with this - I am fickle and I often start things I don’t finish. I have all of these good ideas dancing around in my head, and I want to do so many things creatively that it can be a curse, but also a blessing. There isn’t enough time to do everything I would like, but for now, this and my paintings/prints will be my focus.
Again, if you are reading this, then I have succeeded (meaning stuck) with this plan and have a month’s worth of blogposts waiting in the wings.
My goal is to post every three or four days, and I think that if I can be held accountable by my readers, then I will continue this. It’s what kept me going when I did this daily on the Facebook page. Some mornings I would wake and not have anything to say. But after thinking about it, I would always come up with something, even if it were just a sentence or two. Even here, some posts will be longer and others may only be a paragraph.
There is a place inside me that needs to do this. I love painting and will of course continue that. Some posts will be about my art. But I believe life itself is art, so what better place to read what I hope will be informative, entertaining and reflective posts than in an artist’s blog? I can honestly say that I have an artist’s heART and have had one long before I picked up a paintbrush.
I’ve been thinking a lot lately how I can contribute more to this world. What I can do to shine my light a little brighter. My goal through these writings will be to share the way I see the world with you so that you can take what you want and leave the rest while having a safe place to visit a few times a week. And to hopefully take away some things that just might bring you joy, peace and comfort and dare I say, a different way of seeing the world for the better..
Sending my best,