Joyful Living in Sad Times

Downtown Greenville, SC

Over this last week or so, I’ve felt, for lack of a better word, guilty. Guilty of living in a place where I feel safe. Not wondering if monsters were going to come in and take me from my bed at night, and not afraid of missiles going off in my front yard. On the one hand, I try not to think about the atrocities going on in other parts of the world. I tell myself, I can’t help so why watch this terrible situation on the news. But then I do, and I am heartsick. Heartsick not for countries or groups so much, but for individuals who are caught up in something so terrible and so much bigger than themselves. That is when the guilt comes. As a middle class person living in the US, I take so much for granted - food, water, pretty much whatever I need. I might complain about the rising prices, but I have more than enough. And beyond that, at least at this time in history, I feel fairly safe in my home and out in public. And I know it isn’t perfect, but really we are beyond blessed to have all of the comforts of the typical American lifestyle.

So I guess the point here is to convey that it is more important than ever for us to not take life for granted. Pray for those who are in difficult or even horrible circumstances, and when we can, not only pray but take action to help. But at the same time, don’t let the life that you have be wasted.

I listened to a podcast yesterday, Windowsil Chats, where one of the guests said that she looks for joy in everything. She started with her closet and took out every piece of clothing that did not bring her joy. Then as she shopped, she would only buy clothing that made her feel that joy. If occurred to me that I don’t do this. The same can be said of the way you keep your house. When you walk in your doors, do you feel joy? If not, why not? Isn’t it amazing that to place a single pot flowers on your porch or a vase on your kitchen table adds so much. Yet often we don’t “splurge” to do these simple things.

This also goes with the way we live our lives. I know that we all have different levels of health and mobility, but if you can walk, it’s a perfect time to take a walk in your neighborhood or local park. The colors outside, at least in this part of the world, will lighten hearts just by seeing them. Go on activities that will bring joy to your life. Don’t sit at home on your phone watching others live their lives while you are not living yours.

I was once “trapped” in a job that was destroying me. I brought work home with me and lost sleep over trying to make this job work. It just didn’t and I finally got the courage to move on. It was scary, but one of the best decisions of my life. So are you in a job like this? One that you dread so much that you start getting anxiety on Sunday mornings because Monday is coming? If this is the case, no matter how trapped you feel, you aren’t. Get out! Find another job and don’t waste another minute in a situation that you CAN control.

The same with relationships. Is there a relationship that is just not working for you any longer? Have you tried and tried but it just isn’t going anywhere? It may be time to end it. I know this isn’t easy, but sometimes we have to make really tough decisions to let something go in order to have something better. I’m not advocating for an easy divorce or to leave a friendship of twenty years for no good reason. But take some time to get clear on what you should do. The saying, life is short is true. Don’t waste years being imprisoned by your own making. Get help from a trusted friend or therapist if you need to.

Let’s remember that life is a gift and first we must learn to SEE the beauty that is already in our life. Notice the joys that you already have. And it’s also important, in my opinion, to be grateful for these gifts of joy. It can be a simple sunset or how you love that first sip of coffee in the morning, or that bird that wakes you most mornings with a happy song. Notice. Take note of what makes you happy. Where you don’t find joy and happiness, seek to change what’s not working. It may not happen overnight, but you can work toward making your life a better one.

We have so many freedoms here in America. Let’s not waste them on joyless living. And always remember to shine your brightest light by doing what you can, and to pray for each other. And of course, pray for peace.

Sending my best,


Connie Wyatt

Fine artist and nature photographer.

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