Summer’s End
This time of year is always bittersweet. I love fall. I imagine cozy moments of sipping pumpkin spice lattes and perched around a campfire roasting s’mores, or seeing the gorgeous leaves dancing their way to the ground, or maybe going to craft fairs and burning scented candles. All these cozy images come up for me when I think of autumn.
BUT I see summer as life in full bloom. It’s always sad when summer begins to fade and all of nature with it begins its descent to hibernation. A hiding away until springtime. I think of the Persephone / Demeter story.
In honor of summer, I’m posting this flower I took a few years ago. It is summer in a pea pod. You thought I was going to say nutshell, didn’t you, but I’m thinking summer here. ;) The early morning dew sparkling on the beautiful bloom with the spider’s web lightly kissing it. I can feel the moisture in the air and the softness that whispers best on a summer morning. It’s easy and kind. Peaceful is the best adjective I have to describe it. A simple, beautiful time of year. So goodbye summer. I will miss sitting on my back porch in the mornings, coffee in hand, watching the hummingbirds drink their nectar. I will miss the smell of freshly cut grass and seeing all the glorious flowers in bloom. I will miss the afternoon thunderstorms and watching the trees sway in the wind.
Oh wait, that is my romanticized version. But what I won’t miss is your 90 degree temps with 100% humidity. I will not miss mosquito bites and insects in general. I will not miss only being able to walk in the early morning or late day. I will not miss all of my energy drained from me by mid-day. Guess that’s how life is, we take the good with the bad. Like I said, bittersweet.
Okay, after thinking about it a little more, let’s bring on the fall. ;)
Sending my best,
(I have been in puppy world the last eight weeks so I have taken somewhat of a hiatus. I will be back to painting soon, I hope. Percy is amazing, but it’s like having a toddler move in with me. Something had to go. We are starting to get a routine going so I’m cautiously optimistic that things will get back to normal - in a year or so. Haha.)
I will truly miss the beauty and peace that can only be found on a summer morning.